Why is real fur always in fashion

Fashion is always changing, but it is also true that some things are constant. They are those that never go out of style and are not embarrassing to wear at any time. They always give an impression of luxury and show our style. One of them is definitely fur coats and furs.

In fact, nothing else in fashion is as constant. Who wouldn\’t want a fur coat that has become a symbol of luxury? No wonder it is one of the ever-repeating stereotypes. But why fur coats? After all, fur is not the most ethical garment.

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This is mainly because the cost of producing fur is very high. It is not easy to keep, breed, and process fur animals, especially if one wants to produce good quality fur. Especially if one wants to produce good quality fur, the cost is very high. Therefore, a significant percentage of the pelts are eventually discarded, and no profit is generated.

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And that is why prices are always kept high. Therefore, unlike other clothing items, they cannot be sold at a discount. Therefore, it remains a symbol of luxury and high status. Since not everyone can afford it, it is basically for the upper class.

However, it is questionable whether this is actually a good thing. Fur coats have several major drawbacks. The first is that they do not last long. If worn normally, it will last for one season, after which it is basically thrown away. And one cannot ignore the conditions under which fur animals are raised. Sure, there are laws regulating their keeping, but even these are not sufficient. Thus, the question is whether we support this or not. This aspect is also important.

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