A plant called Rhymovnik, called Molice or Greek eucalyptus, is now an integral part of Czech homes. It has an almost magical effect, it helps with colds, nasal congestion, fever, bronchitis, as well as eczema, liver problems or diarrhea. Its cultivation is unpretentious and thrives most on the windowsill with enough sunlight and watering once a week. After the plant has become more pleasant, it is recommended to cut it into the desired shape and put the shoots in the place where you sleep, the aroma is slowly released during the night.
In case of colds in infants, it is recommended to put the petals in a container with water and put the heater. Evaporation cleans the air, and the baby breathes better. Another option, even in young children, to suck the rhyme is to gently rub the petals between the fingers, when the plant unfolds very pleasantly.
Ointments from herbs help with skin injuries, back or burns. When coughing, it is recommended to rub the chest of the affected person, in young children, the ointment is used to smear the feet to reduce heat.
Syrup treats colds and is obtained with welding of lemon, rhymes and sugar.
It is also used as a culinary herb. It depends on whether he used it dried or fresh, the taste of which harmonizes beautifully with roast lamb and is excellent for marinating beef steaks.
Last but not least, the plant is characterized by anti-inflammatory properties and is widely used as a repellent, only mixed with water and wine vinegar, it is done against mosquitoes. The advice of this girl is suitable both for summer holidays in the cottage on a campfire, and abroad on a warm night in the sea.
Therefore, rhymer has a wide range of uses at home, you will appreciate it not only as a culinary flavoring agent, a wonderful helper in the treatment of diseases, but also from an aesthetic point of view as an evergreen ornamental plant that will decorate your home.