How did our planet come into being

Our home has always been Earth and always will be. Indeed, we have plans to build a base on the moon and perhaps eventually on Mars. We are interested in how the Earth came into being. Various myths and legends from around the world about the birth of the Earth prove that this question has not been answered until now. However, it is only in modern times that we really know how the Earth came into being. And the process is quite fascinating.

It all began billions of years before our planet was born. It was during the first billion years of the evolution of the universe, when the first stars came into existence. However, their lifetimes ran out and many stars left behind clouds of various elements. Some of them formed new stars, like our sun. But that was not the end of the process.

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Other elements floated in the vacuum of space before the gravity of the sun began to act. But not only that, the elements interacted with each other. Especially when they were very close to each other. Then, by the laws of gravity and the laws of motion of celestial bodies, they began to orbit around the sun and began to come together with each other, with the heaviest elements in the middle, of course.

This process continued for a very long time until the planets, including our planet, were formed. Ultimately, this is why there are only gas planets after Mars. The lighter elements simply moved farther away, while the heavier elements were attracted more, and thus closer to the sun. And when all this “stardust,” as we might call it, settled down, the solar system was formed.

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Of course, it looked very different then than it does today. Yes, the planets were in place, but they did not look like they do today. It took many natural phenomena, meteorite impacts, and other disasters, and many more years for them to look as they do today. However, it is always good to remember that we were formed from the stars. Yes, we humans are “stardust” too.